Thursday, October 31, 2019

Market Imperative and Popular culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Market Imperative and Popular culture - Essay Example So how is it connected with market imperative And what really is market imperative Market imperative is basically an economic concept that states that the consistent need of producers to seek new markets forces them to cross national boundaries and exploit foreign markets. In other words, the need to seek new frontiers might push national boundaries to the extent that there is little difference left in national and foreign markets. When a country's producers push their own boundaries, they create new boundaries and thus embrace foreign land into their own scope of influence. This is a logical concept but due to rapid globalization, this concept has become a curse for the world. America stands at the very center of this heated debate about national boundaries extension. If a country that seeks to extend its control to other countries chooses to market its products and services to foreign lands, it automatically gains access to their social and moral fabric. And while it may be trying to only sell its products but it intentionally or unintentionally also manages to sell its values and norms to other countries thus triggering a process of homogenous culture.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Use of Visual Aides in the Modern Classroom Essay Example for Free

Use of Visual Aides in the Modern Classroom Essay Visual aides have become important to the learning processes of children in all grades of school. From simple skits to enhanced computer calculations and comparisons, teachers everywhere are learning the power of having their students visualize and take part in what they are expected to learn. This process is a great departure from the classic learning model of reading along and taking notes, so it takes some teachers and faculty a while to accept and learn new styles of teaching. The three articles that I have chosen show the value of visual aides in the classroom, but also note the difficulties of changing long held educational beliefs. â€Å"You Gotta Have Art! †, by Roger Glass and Priscilla Nemeth, describes the impact of visual learning in classes around the United States. For example, in order to visualize â€Å"natural environments found in Florida†, students were prompted to paint a mural on a school wall showing what they had learned in their science class. The mural was a way to learn as well as a point of pride to the children who helped create it (Glass Nemeth, 2003, para. 5). Other schools use â€Å"a print of the city† to teach local history and geography, instead of simply using a plain map. The print allows children to see the buildings and sites that they discuss in class, rather than just have the areas pointed out to them on a basic city map that includes only streets and symbols (Glass Nemeth, 2003, para. 3). The results have been more than anyone could have expected. Attendance and discipline have improved in the schools that promote visuals in the classroom, and scores on standardized tests have risen dramatically (Glass and Nemeth, 2003, para. 2). It is apparent from this article that allowing children to see what is special about a subject, and also take part in projects that they can be proud of, encourages them to come to school interested and ready to learn. â€Å"Talking Science, Modeling Scientists†, by Elizabeth Edmondson, William H. Leonard, Chris Peters, and Anna O. Baldwin, describes a program in place in South Carolina schools that lets the students learn visually in class and then share the knowledge with students in other schools who are learning the same lesson. Students were taught a science unit on electric circuits by such means as â€Å"lighting a bulb with a battery, bulb, and wire, constructing a flashlight using a series or parallel circuit and switch, and designing and wiring a simple cardboard house† (Edmondson, et al. , 2006, p. 29). The learning did not stop there. Students learned to write about what they had visually learned, and then shared the information with student partners over a special system. (Edmondson, et al. , 2006, p. 30). This system allowed students from each school to post questions and answers to each other by means of a dedicated message board (Edmondson, et al, 2006, p. 30). Students were encouraged to â€Å"buddy up† and work on projects together (Edmondson, et al, 2006, p. 30). Also, those having trouble learning were paired with those who had a mastery of the subject, so long distance peer tutoring occurred as well (Edmondson, et al, 2006, pg. 31). Teachers reported that this system of visual and hands on learning much improved the students’ comprehension levels and incidently improved their writing skills due to the reports that they posted (Edmondson, et al. , 2006, p. 31-32). This project not only serves as an interest to children who easily catch on to the lesson, but it also gives them a chance to help fellow students who are struggling. Achievement is possible for all with this method, and it would be especially productive if a â€Å"richer† school district paired up with one that did not have the same luxuries. â€Å"Meet Mr. Shannon†, by Kristin Kearns Jordan, gives a viewpoint from a school in New York that struggles to add visual learning methods to their curriculum. The person in the title, Mr. Frederick Shannon, is considered a â€Å"master teacher† with his own manner of instruction called the â€Å"Shannon Plan† (Jordan, 2003, para. 2). He has used this method of primarily visual learning for twenty-five years, and he helps new teachers put it into place (Jordan, 2003, para. 2). For example, one teacher has picked up the habit of having a student dress as a â€Å"hamburger† to illustrate how a paragraph should be written. The â€Å"bun† simulates a strong opening and closing sentence, and the â€Å"meat† simulates the important information that should be given within the paragraph. She also uses â€Å"hand signals† to teach the components of a plot (Jordan, 2003, para. 4). Unfortunately, this school is plagued by regulations that cause the teachers to have to take classes on theory, which makes them not have time for special learning techniques (Jordan, 2003, para. 56). In this school, visual learning has to fall by the wayside. Considering that children now have to pass competency tests to move to the next grade, and seniors have to pass a graduation exam to receive a diploma, there is often little chance for teachers to vary from the standard program in their classes. It is little wonder that children with no chance for variation from the basic lessons tend to dislike school All three of these articles contain teachers who are ready and willing to use visual learning techniques, but some are much more lucky than others. Consider the South Carolina schools that have an expensive, state of the art visual program, and then think of the New York schools that are so bound in regulation that they can barely manage to fit a few skits in their lessons. Most schools will fall in the middle ground of using art and pictures as visual aides. In every case, though, visual elements enhanced the learning process, which should prove to even the most doubtful person that taking time for special types of learning enhances the educational experience. Notes and readings are not the only way to learn, and our nation’s educational system needs to bear that fact in mind if we are going to produce top caliber graduates.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Historical Significance of Mona Lisa Painting

Historical Significance of Mona Lisa Painting Mona Lisa is a 16th-century painting made from oil and popular wood. Due to the paintings mystique and technical mystery, it is one of the worlds most famous paintings. Mona Lisa is also known as La Joconde or La Giocondo was made by a Renaissance Man, an Italian artist known as Leonardo Da Vinci (Sassoon, 2002).The painting was later bought by the France King at that time King Francois. Mona Lisa presently hangs in the museum in Musee de Louvre, Paris and is currently a French Government property. Many theories have been brought up regarding the woman sitting on the painting and the painting itself. The painting has been reproduced and can be found at almost every museum. THE MONA LISA HISTORY According to Vasari, Leonardo first took four years to make the painting after which he set it aside (Barolsky 22). He thereafter moved to France to paint at Clos Luc à © upon King Francoise request. Where he resumed working on the Mona Lisa. It took Leonardo three more years to complete the painting. The painting according to Farago (1999) is said to have been commissioned by Francesco Del Giocondo, a wealthy silk merchant and his wife Lisa. In spite of the continuous debate. It is a common belief that the lady in the portrait could as well be Lisa Del Giocondo. The couple requested the painting at the birth of their second child since they wanted it for their home (Van Dyke, 2008). A contrasting theory suggests Da Vinci did not paint a picture of a woman but his own portrait in feminine clothing. Mona Lisa painting shows a woman whose facial expression is enigmatic. The half-length portrait shows a woman who is gazing at the viewer with a smile (Farago 184). The smile has raised many questions with many people arguing that the smile has a hidden mystery. Most people who had seen the portrait say that her eyes follow someone across the room if you gaze at her. The painting has been an object of continual fascination due to the ambiguous expression of the woman, the half-figure composition monumentality, the atmospheric illusionism and the subtle modelling forms (Sassoon, 2002). Da Vinci used a rare design of a pyramid to place Mona Lisa calmly and simply in the paintings space. On the front corner of the pyramid, he placed the form of her folded hands. Lighting was well used as her neck, breast and face glow with similar light as the one that models her hands (Van Dyke, 2008). Da Vinci used the formula used for the image of seated Madonna that was popular at that time to creat e the seated female figure. He used a modification of this formula whereby he created a distance between the observer and the seated woman through visual impression (Farago 216). SIGNIFICANCE Mona Lisa and the viewer are divided using the armrest of the chair. Mona Lisa shows a reserved posture as she sits markedly upright her arms folded across the chest. She welcomes a silent communication to the observer through her gaze, which is constantly fixed to the viewer. The viewer is greatly attracted to Mona Lisas face by the brightly lit face that is framed practically by darker elements of the veil, hair and the shadows. Da Vinci created Mona Lisa in such a way that her composition will evoke an ambiguous effect to the observer. The painting shows a divine creature with a lot of mystery (Farago, 1999). The observer is attracted to her but her divinity and mystery create a distance. The painting depicts no kind of dialogue between the woman and the observer (Van Dyke 268). MONA LISA AND FASHION DESIGN Mona Lisas clothing indicated the fashion design of that time (Titians) which was well designed to suit her personality, her social status and physical condition (Barolsky 78). Mona Lisa is a figure of a woman, dressed in the fashion of her days known as Florentine fashion. The painting represents Lisa Del Giocondo a wife to a Florentine silk merchant who was wealthy (Farago 202). Therefore her dressing represents class and wealth. Her dressing signifies magnificent enigma and mystery especially the dark silk swathes. The Florentine fashion worn by Mona Lisa presents a challenge to the modern fashion design some wishing to replicate her costume. Her garment which is made of sheer dark silk has some gathers around the neck (Barolsky 93). The garment has loose sleeves that roll back at the elbow embroidery or gold braid trimmings at the neck. Beneath her garment seems to be a well-structured garment that supports her bosom. A strip of white gathered fabric is visible beneath silk rapin g at her left shoulder. Further at the shoulder are sleeves that have a different color from the rest of the garment tied to an invisible garment (Van Dyke 63). Mona Lisa is wearing a veil made of finest black silk. The veil is stopped from falling by a line at the back of her head. Mona Lisa style of dressing and fashion had several controversies. The white linen that was visible from the shoulder suggested that she had worn a chemise beneath. Her outer garments showed a type of garment known as guarnello which was made of linen worn by pregnant women and children of those days. Mona Lisa had made such a garment made of silk (Van Dyke 208). When Leonardo made the painting Francesco and Lisa were celebrating the birth of their third child. It is therefore very significant in the type of Lisas dressing. The use of the fabulous sheer silk dress, the veiling on her shoulders portrays wealth and promotion of Francescas business (Sassoon 108). Leonardo da Vinci made Mona Lisa clothing design to match with her pregnant body and her social status as a wife to a wealthy silk merchant. Leonardo explains his design and the reasons why he used the specific materials. The gown was made from black silk damask so that it would not show through the guarnello which was made of sheer silk (Van Dyke, 229). To show that the woman was recently pregnant, da Vinci used black velvet bands to edge and frost-fasten it. Her bodice was lightly boned and stiffened and then linen lined and fastened with concealed rings. A single ribbon was drawn from the bodice and a pleated trained skirt and cartridge pleated to it. During the time women were wearing full chemise with raglan cut sleeves and gathered neckline (Herald, 1981). This could be indicated through painting such as Titians The Woman with the Mirror. Leonardo decided to use a less full chemise which was less bulky. The Titians women also wore sashes which Leonardo used to fold the sheer si lk guarnello and draw in the gathers in order to give the gown in painting a controlled form (Sassoon 88). The major aspect that measures female beauty is physical attractiveness which specifically covers fashion design. Mona Lisa was one of Da Vincis numerous works which are a masterpiece to marvel at to date. The picture of Mona Lisa has also been used to date to grace many magazines, objects such as cups and souvenirs among others (Farago 267). Da Vincis work has challenged fashion design industry especially is construction and couture execution. A good fashion designer does not need to only be artistic but also a critical thinker. Most people argue that Leonardo da Vinci created a picture of himself as a woman and from what can be seen he was a good fashion (Barolsky 73). According to Farago (1999) Leonardo da Vinci through the Mona Lisa painting creates a challenge to the modern designers, especially in fashion. Fashion design involves having an inherent talent and passion for fashion. Fashion design is known to be the art of designing and sketching attractive and beautiful dresses (Sassoon 188). A good fashion designer should have traits that are significant in order to produce exemplary designs. The figure of Mona Lisa is said to be one of the exemplary ancient works because da Vinci used the right materials to design it. Van Dyke (2008) aptly states that choosing the right materials plays a very crucial role because even if a designer is good on paper, using substandard wrong materials could result to a substandard design. The perfect way that Leonardo has combined the rare design of a pyramid and sfumato to create Mona Lisa indicates that a good designer should be an expert in mixing colors and designs (Van Dyke, 266). Da Vinci portrays that a designer should have an aesthetic sense such that he/she can gamble with colors. A good designer should be sensible enough to design something that is suitable for the clients body type and personality. Da Vinci portrays this character by painting a picture of Lisa Del Giocondo (Barolsky 63). CONCLUSION Mona Lisa was one of Da Vincis numerous works, which is a masterpiece to marvel at to date. Mona Lisa, which hangs on the walls of Musee de Louvre currently, depicts a feminine mystique of a mysterious woman. Although controversies have risen over the identity of the woman on the painting and the significance of the painting, many art historians and scholars have appreciated Mona Lisas enormous success. People from all over the world often gaze and wonder at the mysterious and smiling painting of Mona Lisa. Mona Lisa also means Lisa, of bare eyebrow. The picture of Mona Lisa has also been used to grace many magazines, objects such as cups and souvenirs among others.

Friday, October 25, 2019

An Analysis of Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre :: Jane Eyre Essays

An Analysis of Jane Eyre  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The novel is rich in poetry, symbolism and metaphor. It does not fit easily into a definite pattern, being neither a novel of "manners" in the tradition of Austen, or a straightforward Gothic Romance in the style of Mrs Radcliffe. What Charlotte Bronte did was to create a work which cleverly blends elements of the two styles, and which remains uniquely independent of them at the same time, since it addresses issues which were at the time rather controversial. The novel is written in the first person, and thus magnifies the central character - the reader enters the world of Jane Eyre and is transported through her experiences at first hand. This at once makes the work subjective, especially since we know that Charlottes Brontes own life and experiences were so closely interwoven with the heroine's. As well as this we learn only at the end of the novel that the events are being related to us ten years after the reconciliation with Rochester - thus the narrative is RETROSPECTIVE (looking back). CB is clever in blending the narrative so that at times Jane seems to be speaking as an adult with adult hindsight , while at others she she is "in the middle" of them, as a child or young woman. The indecision which is a central issue in the book, is heightened by this device. We never know, as readers, whether to be entirely trustful of Janes actions and thoughts, because we are never sure wheher she is speaking impulsively or maturely. This intensifies the readers dilemma as to what is "right" and "wrong" in the dramatic relationships which are part of JE's life. Can we believe what the heroine says, or is she deceiving herself? The novel is primarily a love story and a "romance" where wishes come true but only after trials and suffering. The supernatural has its place, as do dreams, portents and prophesies. The heroine begins poor and lonely and ends up rich and loved; the orphan finds a good family to replace the wicked one; all the basic ingredients of classic romantic fairytale are present. The romantic element is present in two forms in Jane Eyre; the "family" aspect is dealt with in the Gateshead, Lowood and Moor House episodes, which involve the exchanging of the wicked Reed family for the benevolent Rivers one; and the Love romance is dealt with in the Thornfield and Ferndean episodes.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Economic Migration: A Threat or a Blessing to Developed Countries?

INTRODUCTION TO GLOBALISTION Individual Report To what extent is economic migration a threat or a blessing to developed countries? In general, the primary human right is life and to lead this life wherever desirable, where it is possible to live the most freely, easily and in complete security. In order to do this, people move across the world, voluntarily or forcibly, in the search for this new place. Migration is the movement of people from one place in the world to another, due to vital reasons for a better quality of life: political reasons and economic reasons. We know certainly two basic trends that are the base for migration. The first is Global Population growth and the second is the global shift in employment. The first one is referring to the global population, which has deep roots in the past and is concern with the problem of birth and death occurring each day. It is estimate that the world population is continuing to increase starting from the year 1950, when it was just 3 billion people in the world and nowadays, in 2007, when it is 6 billion citizenry- according with the statistics realised by the Census Bureau. The second trend is related to the economic reasons and we will focus on them, being the principal theme for this report. Economic migration results from economic activities that result in the movement of persons from one country to another for entrepreneurial, industrial, professional, labour market or commercial motives. In an era of globalization, economic or labour migration is on the rise. Due to lack of employment opportunities in developing countries and increased demands for low-wage workers in developed countries, youth, women and men are pursuing work in other countries in order to support themselves and their families back home. Recent statistics demonstrate that there are around 200 million persons per year who migrate throughout the world. The International Organization for Migration estimates that there are 80 million economic migrants worldwide. These migrations are most often from poor countries to rich countries rather than the reverse. The principal places attracting migrants are the petroleum producing Persian Gulf countries, the United States and the European Union. It is not confined to poor countries – inhabitants of rich countries also migrate for economic reasons to other countries. Traditionally and historically, the USA has been hotspot of economic migrants since it is seen as the ‘land of opportunity’. Thousands of people from all across the world, including Britain, try to move to the USA for a better life. For example a lecturer at an Ivy League University still earns more than someone at a top university in the UK. Many economic migrants to the USA come from Latin America and the Caribbean. About 150,000 Mexicans enter illegally each year, resulting in 3 to 4 million illegal Mexicans in the USA. They arrive in dangerous conditions such as hidden in the backs of lorries under legal produce. The chart below shows the projected U. S. population growth if immigration and fertility remain similar to today’s rates. [pic] But is economic migration a threat or a blessing to developed countries? A threat is any activity whose appearance is likely to break the social equilibrium and peace in a part of the world. Growing immigration into the rich countries whether voluntary, forced, regular or clandestine tends to be built up into a bubbling volcano that can become active at the least pressure from the lava. It can give rise to three types of threats. On the security level, the influx of migrants can be a source of recruits for a possible terrorist network, on the one hand. On the other hand, neglected immigrants, without means of subsistence, can form networks of criminals; can be contributors to urban insecurity and creators of communities favorable to possible terrorist recruitment efforts. On the economic level, immigrants can be a significant reservoir for the recruitment of cheap labour to the detriment of citizens. That can result in an increase in the unemployment rate for the latter, which becomes a concern for governments. Providing assistance for the immigrants can have an influence on public budgets and contribute to the erosion of the purchasing power of citizens. That could, in the long run, create frustrations among citizens and result in acts of violent discrimination with regrettable consequences. On the socio-cultural level, the struggle for reciprocal influence between immigrant cultures and local cultures could give rise to a national identity conflict through several mechanisms. Immigrants who are victims of discrimination, social injustices and other tension-creating acts, could use violence to demand their rights. Various illicit forms of trafficking, particularly the trafficking of human beings through migration, are also threats arising from migration. ECONOMIC MIGRATION DAMAGES the IMMIGRANT'S HOME COUNTRY To argue that Britain needs economic migrants because of their alleged energy, talent and skills, is to ignore the flip side of that coin which is that the country they came from is going to be deprived of their energy, talent and skills. Every economic migrant who comes here is depriving his or her country of their ability, and is prolonging their own country's agony. It is irresponsible and immoral to deprive countries in this way. Economic migration on these terms is a form of piracy, which should be outlawed! Morally speaking, developed countries should not encourage a brain drain from the developing world, especially not of those who have been described as hard working, educated and entrepreneurial. Immigration’s needed to explain why they advocate the economic piracy and brain draining of the developing world. They need to explain why they advocate a policy guaranteed to keep the developing world in poverty. The people who promote open borders and migration, either as an imagined â€Å"solution† to global economic injustice, or population pressure, or because they want to effect demographic change in the Western world, are in the wrong. Here are some of their frequently heard myths: â€Å"We need economic migrants to keep the Health Service going† The only reason nurses from Asia are being imported is because we do not, and won't, pay a living wage to nurses from this country. This is a new form of 21st century slavery. Britain abolished the Atlantic slave trade. Let's not start a new version. Why are we importing teachers when we have teachers on the dole? It is not because we have a shortage of labour. It is because we have a shortage of people willing to do these jobs at the low wages offered. â€Å"Many companies could not survive without immigrants† So what? If the companies are only employing immigrants then what goods are they doing for anyone other than immigrants? â€Å"Immigrants do the work we would not do† This is not necessarily true. Are we to believe that without any immigrants we would have no cafes, no waiters, and no cleaners? Off course not. The only reason immigrants are doing these jobs is because they don't pay well enough for indigenous people to accept them. Relying on immigrants to do this work is a form of slavery. Instituting a modern form of slavery is immoral. It is not a sign of a progressive society. It is certainly not something of which we should be proud. Instead, it is morally right to do our own drudgery work. â€Å"Many economic migrants are highly skilled and have a lot to offer† Again, this demonstrates the extent to which their home countries are missing out on their talent and skills. If a talented person flees his or her homeland then they become part of their home country's problem, not part of the solution. â€Å"Immigrants create jobs. Look at Marks and Spencer, for example† Simply because a tiny handful of past immigrants went on to found high street chain stores, does not mean that all immigrants are potentially able to do this, will do this, or that it is something only immigrants can do. If there is a genuine need for more shops and businesses then that need will be met, without the help of immigrants. Secondly, because something happened in the past does not mean it will happen again. And thirdly, in the past, levels of immigration were much lower and there were periods of almost zero immigration, where new immigrants had the time to settle and assimilate into society. â€Å"When economic migrants are forced to enter illegally, they become prey to criminal traffickers, and so the answer is to make it easier for them to apply for entry legally† Are we to believe that all illegal immigrants, many of whom do not even speak English, would be granted admission if they applied legally? So long as there are any kinds of border controls whatsoever, then there will always be people attempting to enter Britain illegally. That is because such people simply have no skills to offer legally. If we really wanted to cut out criminal traffickers then we would simply open the doors wide so everybody could enter in ease, and that is the inevitable logic of this kind of thinking. That would be the irresponsible and immoral act of a government, which had abdicated any concern for the political, social, cultural, environmental and quality of life consequences of its policies. There is a lot of disadvantages of economic migration to developed countries but is there any benefits of this? Yes is the simple answer and the benefits are many. Immigration Minister Liam Byrne said it was important to â€Å"strike a new balance† in immigration policy. â€Å"That means looking at the wider benefits to the developed countries economy on the one hand, but it means we have to take into account the wider impact on these countries public services and life as well. We need to weigh both things up before we take big decisions on immigration. † â€Å"It is clear that migration brings huge economic benefits to the developed countries such as United Kingdom or United States of America. † for BBC news said Dr Sriskandarajah. Low jobless rates in Ireland, Sweden, Britain, America and other developed countries with high migration suggest that, so far, foreigners are not squeezing out natives. Migrants also help to create jobs, because a good supply of labour encourages those with capital to invest more. Also, foreign workers are often more flexible than native ones, too. Having already moved from Mexico to New York, lets say, they are probably willing to take a job in Washington. Migrant labour helps to keep economies on an even keel. And they are consumers, too, renting accommodation and buying goods and services. His Polish customers, who are fond of Smirnoff vodka and east European lager, delight the owner of the off-licence for example in Holloway road. Holloway supermarkets, fast-food restaurants and other shops are flourishing too. Business benefits- price/wage growth is likely to slow or fall back, protected by the minimum wage, as a new supply of working age migrants boost the Scottish economy. This provides clear business benefits and helps explain the CBI's support for managed immigration to support business growth. A shortage of workers can stifle growth and lead to wage inflation reducing the competitiveness of Scottish made goods. There is a popular myth is that economic migrants come here and steal ‘our jobs'. There is no fixed supply of jobs, indeed more workers in the economy fuel more jobs. So attracting new labour into work will actually create jobs rather than reduce them. Indeed many sectors struggle to fill vacancies leading to skill shortages both within essential public services and in the private sector. To conclude, like in every phenomenon there are blessings and threats to others. But the 21st century phenomenon of economic migration is a reality that openly threatens peace in the world. States and the international community together should integrate this question into their political strategies in order to find ways and means likely to give rise to a better socioeconomic and security balance among people. Word count (excluding bibliography)- 1996 words BIBLIOGRAPHY Newspapers: ? The Economist print edition- ‘Migration’, May 10th 2001 ? The Economist print edition- ‘of bed sheets and bison grass vodka’, Jan 3rd, 2008 Web pages and TV: ? http://issues. takingitglobal. org ? http://www. globalfootprints. org/issues ? www. migrationwatchuk. org ? http://www. northlan. ov. uk/business+and+employment/local+economy/economic+inf ormation/ ? Colonel Kaumbu Yankole Army / Democratic Republic of the Congo- ‘is migration a threat? ’ ? Bbc news- Migration 'causes pressure in UK'. Wednesday, 17 October 2007 ? http://www. economist. com/finance/displaystory. cfm? story_id=E1_NGDRDTJ Books: ? Suman Gupta and Tope Omoniyi- The cultures of econ omic migration: international perspectives, 2007 ? Bjorn Lomborg- Solutions for the world's biggest problems: costs and benefits ? Stephen Glover- Migration: an economic and social analysis, c2001

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Keep Your Students Thinking

How to Keep Your Students Thinking Free Online Research Papers The popularity of Globalization of Education in the Philippines advances various ways to align our existing educational system with the world. It will eventually open a channel that will benefit our education in a positive way, sooner than we think it is possible that in the future we will begin to gauge our curriculum according to world standard. There is no way but to go forward to the Globalization – If we want to survive in a very competitive world. The Enhancement of curriculum in Nursing when CHED discontinue its plan to adopt another year in nursing through CHED memorandum no. 5 signifies that our government are taking steps to upgrade our educational system. Revisions done in the nursing curriculum were measures to align our nursing graduates to that of other developed countries. How are we going to prepare our students for the globalization and advancement in our educational system? Teachers play a vital role in training their students as globally competitive. Teachers must be adept in inventing various methodologies on how to make their students develop critical thinking. It will prepare the students to embrace changes in their curriculum in a positive way because they are armored with such knowledge. While we are preparing to compete our students globally we must bear in mind that we cannot do it if educators are not globally competitive as well. Educators are the facilitator of learning in the school , as a first step , educators must be adept and aligned with the goal. Methodologies must be modified to suit the calling of the world standard. One effective way to enhance learning inside the classroom is to encourage critical thinking among students during classroom discussions. The classic format of lecturing wherein the teacher is the primary source of knowledge is not an effective way if we are to develop critical thinking. During lengthy lectures, students are most of the time just listen to the teacher and write whatever they hear even though it is not fully understood. Learning through listening is limited because only your sense of hearing was used and retention of learning according to studies is very limited too in comparison to other forms of learning that involves critical thinking. Critical thinking is enhanced when teachers involved their students in classroom discussions. There are guidelines to follow to initiate this. As a teacher begin with yourself first , begin the course or the lecture with a question or questions that help you to understand what students are thinking: in this way you can bridge the gap between your idea and theirs and you will determine where to begin to facilitate the discussion meaningful for both parties. Research Papers on How to Keep Your Students ThinkingStandardized TestingThe Project Managment Office SystemOpen Architechture a white paperDefinition of Export QuotasPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThe Spring and AutumnResearch Process Part OneThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseBringing Democracy to AfricaThree Concepts of Psychodynamic

Monday, October 21, 2019

Photolithography essays

Photolithography essays The semiconductor industry is an industry working to make integrated circuit like processors chip for computers, simpler circuits for everyday appliances like T.V. and microwave oven, and even more complex circuits that control space shuttle and satellite. The heart of every one of these microprocessors is an integrated circuit chip. The very base of these circuit chips are made out of silicon wafer and combine with multiple times of Photolithography process to become the integrated circuit chips we use everyday. In this laboratory experiment, we are going to go through the process of photolithography with bare silicon wafer. Although the equipments in the laboratory were not operational, the instructor did give us a run down of the procedures of how to conduct this experiment. We first start with a bare clean silicon wafer, then we take this wafer to a machine called spinner to apply the photo resist. Put the wafer soak with photo resist into the furnace to soft bake in order for the photo resist to diffuse into the wafer. After about 30 minutes of baking, we take the wafer out and put the wafer on the Contact Aligner. Set the mask that you want to be printed on the wafer into the Contact Aligner and start to shine UV light onto the wafer through the mask. The UV light will only shine through the opening of the mask, damage the photo resist and leave a permanent print on the wafer. After the UV mask imprint, we take the wafer out and develop it in the Wet Bench. The photo resist acts as like a protector for the wafer, so the solution will etch away the part of the wafer that have been damage by the UV light. Nothing goes wrong with this experiment because we did not do this experiment due to mechanical failure. But if we are to left a wafer sitting in one of the rooms with white light for about an hour after it had been soft bake, then we may encounter problems with this experiment. Because wh ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Iphigenia

Iphigenia was the eldest daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon. When in Aulis, Agememnon killed a stag in a grove sacred to Artemis. Angered, Artemis stopped the winds so that the Greek fleet could not sail to Troy. The only way the Greek fleet would sail was if Iphigenia was sacrificed. Agamemnon at first adamantly refused, but, under pressure, Agamemnon slowly gave in and he agreed to the sacrifice. Agamemnon told Clytemnestra and Iphigenia that the great Achilles wished to marry Iphigenia. Upon hearing this news, Clytemnestra immediately brought Iphigenia to Aulis where she was to be wed. Little did they know, Agamemnon was lying to them about the wedding and the true reason he brought her to Aulis was to sacrifice her for what he had done. Soon after her death, the Greeks set of to Troy to fight the Trojans. She was the first person to have her life flipped upside down because of the Trojan War and it was her death which allowed the Greek fleet to set sail for Troy. When Agamemn on returned from the war, Clytemnestra killed him for lying and tricking her and Iphigenia.... Free Essays on Iphigenia Free Essays on Iphigenia Iphigenia was the eldest daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon. When in Aulis, Agememnon killed a stag in a grove sacred to Artemis. Angered, Artemis stopped the winds so that the Greek fleet could not sail to Troy. The only way the Greek fleet would sail was if Iphigenia was sacrificed. Agamemnon at first adamantly refused, but, under pressure, Agamemnon slowly gave in and he agreed to the sacrifice. Agamemnon told Clytemnestra and Iphigenia that the great Achilles wished to marry Iphigenia. Upon hearing this news, Clytemnestra immediately brought Iphigenia to Aulis where she was to be wed. Little did they know, Agamemnon was lying to them about the wedding and the true reason he brought her to Aulis was to sacrifice her for what he had done. Soon after her death, the Greeks set of to Troy to fight the Trojans. She was the first person to have her life flipped upside down because of the Trojan War and it was her death which allowed the Greek fleet to set sail for Troy. When Agamemn on returned from the war, Clytemnestra killed him for lying and tricking her and Iphigenia....

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Comparison of two readings on terrorism. Links to each article is Essay

Comparison of two readings on terrorism. Links to each article is attached in instructions - Essay Example For instance, Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) group of India suffered from its close association with Pakistan (Carter, 2012). To illustrate this fact, the author uses data collected on 648 terrorist and insurgent groups that were in existence between 1968 and 2006 globally. The results show that although such sponsorship helps to supply the group with much needed resources, this has a negative effect on the group. Based on the results, the author concludes that a terrorist group with a sponsor does not help to avoid elimination. In addition, sponsorship with a safe haven increases the likelihood of internal wrangles. As a policy implication, the author asserts that forceful elimination of such groups becomes relevant as they age. In the article by Lyle Pienaar (2008) focuses on state sponsored terrorism in Africa, focusing on the case of Libya and Sudan. In the article, the author begins by defining state-sponsored terrorism, which mainly involves acts of violence against non-combatants for social or political gain. According to the author, this form of terrorism is the most dangerous due to the funding, training, intelligence and firepower provided by the state. The author further names the countries identified by the United States as the state sponsors of terrorism and the measures that have taken against them. Such countries include Syria, Cuba and South Korea. The article also discusses the historical roots of the international and state sponsored terrorism in Africa, which became a major issue in the late 1960s. More importantly, the author notes that during the post-Cold War period, terrorist activities became rampant in Africa, and were conducted by either groups seeking political independence and oth er domestic agenda or groups forming part of a bigger global terrorist organization. One of the two African countries highlighted in the article for their state sponsorship

Friday, October 18, 2019

Principle of Mental Health Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Principle of Mental Health Nursing - Essay Example Fluctuations ranged from elation or sadness and are influenced by a number of biological, medical or social factors including work, family, and social responsibilities. People normally behave this way; however, when mood fluctuations become chronic and overwhelming that it already affects the activities of daily living, this becomes a clinical disorder. This is the case that happened to Simon Smith, a 49-year-old married man who was diagnosed with clinical depression five months ago after experiencing a number of unfortunate life events over the last eight months. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) (2012), clinical depression or simply depression refers to a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration which can become chronic or recurrent and lead to substantial impairments in an individual's ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities (n.p.). Clinical depression is apart from temporary feelings of sadness, confused thinking, and somatic complaints. General practitioners, nurses, and other members of the health care team play a crucial role in the early recognition and treatment of Mr. Smith’s clinical depression using the appropriate assessment tools and interventions that is client-centered and based on the current evidences. Initial Assessment To identify the triggering factors that cause imbalances in the mental state of Mr. Smith and to identify the diagnosis and severity of depression, a psychiatric mental health nurse should conduct a comprehensive psychiatric/psychosocial assessment. Psychosocial assessment includes getting the patient history and evaluation of patient’s mental and emotional status (Varcarolis, 2011, p. 5). It also includes assessment of the triggering factors that led Mr. Smith to develop clinical depression. Triggering factors of depression are neg ative events or situations which play a vital role in the initial and persistent development of depression, examples of which include early loss, trauma, abuse, disruption of relationships, and other negative experiences (Moore and Garland, 2003, p. 52). In Mr. Smith’s case, the triggering factors of depression are his mother’s diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, niece’s admission to an Assessment Ward, son’s diagnosis and treatment of acute myeloid leukemia, involvement in a car crash with National trust property pressing for compensation, and difficulties with the insurance company. Meanwhile, standardized diagnostic tools also assist both the general practitioner and the nurse in identifying the signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and severity of clinical depression. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD), 10th Revision and the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edit ion: DSM-IV-TR guide psychiatric practitioners in the diagnosis of mental disorders. In the APA criteria for major or unipolar depression, Mr. Smith should have at least four or more signs or symptoms listed in the criteria for a period of two weeks to meet the diagnosis of clinical depression (APA, 2000, p. 349; Patel and Jakopac, 2012, p. 138) while in the ICD-10, Mr. Smith should demonstrate specific number of

Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Project - Essay Example ABSTRACT Pervasive environment is the emerging computing paradigm that aims to provide users access to services all the time, everywhere, in a transparent way, by means of devices installed in the surrounding physical environment or worn by the user. Smart environment represents the evolutionary development of pervasive environment. Web ontology language has become a promising technology to capture the knowledge of smart environment and information about its inhabitants. In this project, an ontological framework (taxonomy) of a smart home for the elderly has been developed. Protege-OWL 4.1 was used to build OWL representation of the elderly smart home. The presented ontology implements reasoning set on the rules of the ontology and elimination of the rules outside of the ontology. Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction In recent years, rapid advances in technology have paved the way for the creation of pervasive environments. A pervasive environment [1] is a user-centric environment in which the re are a number of devices (sensors, computers) and services (such as Web services) that help users to achieve their various application goals. Smart environments [2] represent the evolutionary development of pervasive environments. Smart environment [2] is able to acquire knowledge about its inhabitants and their surroundings, and adapt to the inhabitants’ behaviour or preferences in order to improve their living experiences. The type of inhabitants’ experiences may vary from the safety of the users to the progress of an independent living environment. An important characteristic of smart environments is the interaction of smart devices including sensors and computer systems used for acquiring inhabitants’ contexts such as locations, activities, or vital signs. Therefore, context awareness [7] is a key issue for improving inhabitants’ independent living experience. Context awareness is about the situation an inhabitant is in and also about adapting the s mart devices’ reaction to that situation. Ontology language [3] is the context representation technology which maximises the context awareness of the smart devices. It is a set of vocabulary to describe the conceptualisation of a particular domain. One of the goals of this project is to build a context-aware [7] ontology based on the acquired context from a smart environment and the inhabitants. The context in this project consists of location, time, and information on inhabitant’s vital signs. The ontology represents concepts and relations for the acquired context. The aim is to represent all the acquired information in context [7] form to reduce the dependency of the framework on rules outside of the ontology. 1.2 project aims and objectives 1.2.1 The aim of the project The essence of pervasive healthcare is in the creation of smart environments integrated with their respective inhabitants. A characteristic of

Earth science (geology) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Earth science (geology) - Essay Example an aquifer it is very important that the unit should be fully saturated, has open voids or spaces and could provide sufficient amount of groundwater at fast rates to wells and springs. An aquifer can of three types – unconfined, confined or perched. An unconfined aquifer is one which has no confining layer between the zone of saturation and the land surface. A confined aquifer has a layer in between the land surface and the saturated zone. This confining layer either allows water to pass through it at a very low rate or not at all. Confining layers are generally made up of clay, silts or rocks such as shale. Lastly, a perched aquifer is the saturated zone which is situated in the zone of aeration and lies above the confined layer. The unconfined aquifer has the capability to provide the maximum amount of water, followed by the confined aquifer. A perched aquifer can provide water enough only for a household (â€Å"Groundwater storage in aquifers†, n.d). The potentiality of an aquifer in a region can be determined on the basis of the permeability (capacity to transfer water) and porosity (capacity to hold water) of the geological material. According to research, the most potential usable aquifers are found in regions where the land is comprised of unconsolidated sand and gravel because they allow the maximum permeability of groundwater to be transferred to wells and also have the capacity to hold maximum water (â€Å"Maine Geological Survey†, 2011). Other regions where productive aquifers are found are the aquifers which are formed of sandstone, limestone, dolomite or basalt flows. Sedimentary rocks such as sandstones or carbonates form one of the best aquifers since they have high levels of porosity. Certain fractured or dissolute sedimentary rocks also have the capacity of holding significant amount of water and therefore can act as good aquifers. Limestones are also productive aquifers since they are highly permeable. Aqui fers formed by fractured metamorphic

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Equal pay and work rights Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Equal pay and work rights - Research Proposal Example The questionnaire will also ask employees if they feel they are underpaid, overpaid or well paid. It will also ask employees how they feel about the different salaries different employees are paid within the different pay grades. These questions are important because the company will be able to make changes that will ensure that employees work with devotion. The research will also shield the company from legal suits. These are suits that may arise from employees or workers unions as a result of working conditions like sexual abuse. The research will use descriptive research design. This is because questions to be used will be in a yes or no basis (Salkind 189). Only few questions will need a short explanation. The research will use questionnaires to sample data (Cochran 26). The research is expected to determine if the rights of the employees of Green Technologies are upheld and respected. It will also help determine if the pay rates in the company are acceptable. Depending on the findings it will give recommendations to the human resource manager of Green

United States And European Relations Research Paper

United States And European Relations - Research Paper Example They perceive that the source of terrorism lies in the economic, social and political discriminations that are prevalent on the southern seaside of the Mediterranean and as such can only be addressed through a broad structure that hits at the deepest causes of terrorism. During the time that the Soviet Union crumbled, the members of the European Union no longer saw possible North-South conflicts or nuclear threats. Instead, they saw various south-south conflicts and series of new transnational risks such as illegal trafficking of arms, drugs and even persons; terrorism connected to numerous religious issues; immigration. EU further believes that European security should be less focused on military conditions instead to social and political development of Mediterranean. In the United States, the FBI is a part of vast criminal justice machinery tasked with maintaining legal and political order. They deal with terrorism based on how they perceive acts related to it. According to the FBI , â€Å"Terrorist acts are intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping and occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States or transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they accomplished, the persons they appear intended to intimidate or coerce, or the locale in which their perpetrators operate or seek asylum.†

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Earth science (geology) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Earth science (geology) - Essay Example an aquifer it is very important that the unit should be fully saturated, has open voids or spaces and could provide sufficient amount of groundwater at fast rates to wells and springs. An aquifer can of three types – unconfined, confined or perched. An unconfined aquifer is one which has no confining layer between the zone of saturation and the land surface. A confined aquifer has a layer in between the land surface and the saturated zone. This confining layer either allows water to pass through it at a very low rate or not at all. Confining layers are generally made up of clay, silts or rocks such as shale. Lastly, a perched aquifer is the saturated zone which is situated in the zone of aeration and lies above the confined layer. The unconfined aquifer has the capability to provide the maximum amount of water, followed by the confined aquifer. A perched aquifer can provide water enough only for a household (â€Å"Groundwater storage in aquifers†, n.d). The potentiality of an aquifer in a region can be determined on the basis of the permeability (capacity to transfer water) and porosity (capacity to hold water) of the geological material. According to research, the most potential usable aquifers are found in regions where the land is comprised of unconsolidated sand and gravel because they allow the maximum permeability of groundwater to be transferred to wells and also have the capacity to hold maximum water (â€Å"Maine Geological Survey†, 2011). Other regions where productive aquifers are found are the aquifers which are formed of sandstone, limestone, dolomite or basalt flows. Sedimentary rocks such as sandstones or carbonates form one of the best aquifers since they have high levels of porosity. Certain fractured or dissolute sedimentary rocks also have the capacity of holding significant amount of water and therefore can act as good aquifers. Limestones are also productive aquifers since they are highly permeable. Aqui fers formed by fractured metamorphic

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

United States And European Relations Research Paper

United States And European Relations - Research Paper Example They perceive that the source of terrorism lies in the economic, social and political discriminations that are prevalent on the southern seaside of the Mediterranean and as such can only be addressed through a broad structure that hits at the deepest causes of terrorism. During the time that the Soviet Union crumbled, the members of the European Union no longer saw possible North-South conflicts or nuclear threats. Instead, they saw various south-south conflicts and series of new transnational risks such as illegal trafficking of arms, drugs and even persons; terrorism connected to numerous religious issues; immigration. EU further believes that European security should be less focused on military conditions instead to social and political development of Mediterranean. In the United States, the FBI is a part of vast criminal justice machinery tasked with maintaining legal and political order. They deal with terrorism based on how they perceive acts related to it. According to the FBI , â€Å"Terrorist acts are intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping and occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States or transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they accomplished, the persons they appear intended to intimidate or coerce, or the locale in which their perpetrators operate or seek asylum.†

Understanding Psychology Essay Example for Free

Understanding Psychology Essay I chose Karen Salmansohn and Don Zindell’s How to be Happy, Dammit (2001) primarily because of the title’s first impression upon me—it did not appear to be a conventional self help book that took itself seriously. A lot of people seem to resent the idea of reading self-help books and this book seem to be geared exactly towards those types, and I was intrigued as to what this book has to offer. The graphics also looked appealing as well as the book’s unusual dimensions. Of course, I also considered that I should get something for myself when reading a book to review, the title suggests that the author is somewhat more intelligent (or at least uses a more intelligent approach) than the run-of-the-mill self-help author. The book’s thesis is that a person (the cynic) can become happy by deciding to become happy. The book asserts that a person must maintain a rational mind and must make active decisions (and not just passively wait for life’s pseudo random events) to directly affect his state of mind. She supports this by bringing on forty-something life lessons that, viewed with the proper perspective, actually makes sense. The author tries to avoid the usual, drawn-out cliches by referencing various areas. It is peppered with witty remarks and draws inspiration from a number of different fields such as psychology, pharmaceuticals, biology, math, mountain climbing, even Bazooka Joe’s wisdom: â€Å"Never compromise your dreams†. It really isn’t that she’s saying something new, but she has a refreshing approach to some old ideas. The writer affects a whimsical, familiar tone that makes for very easy reading. It was an easy read, taking me just about an hour to finish, and would perhaps qualify as a coffee-table book, but is something really thought-provoking. She has a decent sense of humor and doesn’t seem to take herself seriously, but at the same time sounds sincere. She creates spoofs of famous and familiar lines to drive her points across, like stressing that one should have â€Å"Great Non-Expectations†, or that one should possess â€Å"the power in: I Think Therefore I Have†. The Psychological theory may be that emotions can be directly affected by the conscious decisions that a person makes. Akin to the idea that just as being happy makes a person smile, smiling can also make an unhappy person a bit happier. By being a rational being, as in Carl Jung’s conjecture one who controls his actions by thinking (Morris 340), one would, as the author puts it, attain the â€Å"secret to happiness. † Another life lesson in the book that illustrates this is the assertion that one could always choose how he projects his feelings toward life, that we always have a choice. Life is a series of random events, but we can control what direction we’re going (or at least we can control our feelings, no matter what the circumstances. ) The books intended audience is the unhappy disillusioned crowd, those who abhor and cringe at the thought of reading self-help books. The book has, on some level, given me ideas, or at least made a concrete illustration of ideas that have always been afloat in my mind in some vague form. Luck is, ironically, something you can create, and that life must be lived now. I would recommend this book to someone who is jaded or seems to have lost hope being happy. It won’t take long to read, and whoever’s reading it could sure appreciate the humor. It may or may not prove to be the key to ultimate happiness but it would at least make a fun and interesting read. Works Cited Morris, Charles G. and Albert A. Maisto. Understanding Psychology. Upper Sadle: Prentice Hall, 2001. Salmansohn, Karen and Don Zindell. How to Be Happy, Dammit: A Cynics Guide to Spiritual Happiness. Berkeley: Celestial Arts, 2001.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Video rental and sales system

Video rental and sales system A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the University of Greenwichs Bsc (Hons) Software Engineering Abstract In the current business functions, an especially rental resource is on of the main challenging part. So that, utilising the resources that are implemented by the companies. The business processes are the major task according to the project budget as well as time limitation. So that software solutions those managing and controlling the functions has to be analysed in a proper way to obtain the successful use of them. The report illustrate about the project that analyse the problem of renting and how to gain the solution for those procedures. Video rental and sales is a complete software solution for controlling and managing rentals of customers. This research is all about controlling and managing resources for everyday rentals. Based on the client needs the resources could be rented. An excellent desktop application has been processed and implemented in order to manage that resource that is currently used by the video rental system. This system solution has been implemented using the technologies of front-end Microsoft Vb.Net and back end SQL Server. Preface This thesis is partial fulfilment of university of the Greenwich undergraduate programme, prepared and submitted by me. This software project helps me a lot to gain knowledge in different parts such as software design and development.   During this project research and development period, I get the clear understanding, how these software engineering principals, technologies can be applied in real time projects. This project approach as a practical way in all stages of software development and make me clear in every stages that software engineering techniques could be applicable.    I am a software engineering student. In this case, this project is closely related to my programme of study and other subjects. My current study is helps me each stage of this project such as system analysis, designing, coding, testing, implementing, Etc, to a develop a final solution for this business. I use MicrosoftVb.Net programming language in order to develop the proposed system. I implemented desktop application the help with framework based on the customer requests. Moreover this project gives some ideas to access the a range of software engineering techniques and tools for the successful project. Acknowledgements This work carried out for this project would not have been a success without the good guidance a given to me by various people and various time. There are many people helped me. First, special thanks to my project Supervisor Mr. Alexander M. Fedorec and Second Marker. Who helped me in the literature review part and guide me to get the Approval for the Ethical Research application. His comments and guidance helps me to make this report according to a professional standard. My thanks to all the lecturers and University staffs specially library staffs who guide me to get good online journals from the Student portal. In addition, thanks to the authors of articles and magazines which are really helps to my final Document. At last, I wish to thank my Colleagues, their reviews and proof reading about my project helps me to do   more reliable and useful last time. 1 Introduction 1.1 Background Information At present world, widely the uses of software solutions for the companies are considerably increased. The reason is they might get whole solution for their entire services in a single software application rather than doing sub services. It will save lots of money, time and human resources, etc. Therefore most of companies are likes to computerize for their business operations. The melodius company Current situation is they do not have any improved technology. They are spending a lots money, time consuming, extra workers, etc to run their business operations. As a result of these the melodius company has decided to computerize their business. They are trying to make a new revolution in the video rental market. 1.2 Overview The melodius video rental (pvt) Ltd started its business operations as a small size in 2000.And gradually extend out their business to length and breath. Video rental main purpose is renting and selling Video DVDs, Audio CDs, etc. Purchase the products from the supplier and Allocates the products (CDs, DVDs) for sales and rental is the main area of concern for this company. Each staff of the company from top level to bottom level has a typical, free and unique role to play for their company needs. If we have a look in the project proposal ,the main aim of this project is carry out a deep investigation about rental, sales operations and resources allocation for an integrated Movie rental and sales system. The proposed software package gives some improved facilities to the Staffs and the users To run their business smoothly. This could be an entire solution for movie rental and sales functions problems. According the company needs operations are able to divide in to two main types. Such as Sales and Rental. At present the company keeps all the paperworks, documents in manual form. The Following modules are currently in process in the system, Member, Employee, Supplier, Sales, Rental, Payment, product. These existing operations are linked to each other of the modules. Due to these reasons, management faces lots of difficulty. Generally, the overall existing system is slow and unsystematic. The current system and those issues have driven to the top management (Owner of the business) in order to choose for an alternative option. That will enable the company to improve its operations and good progress. There for the management has decided to computerize their existing manual operations. Here my duties and responsibility was to develop a video rental system and sought out these kinds of administration problems, give freedom to the management level people and let them do their central part activities. Moreover, giving an excellent customer service and user friendly product. 1.3 Scope of the project At present in real world, the new technologies are developed in every field. According to these changes, we have to adjust our business activities. This project overall target was design an excellent desktop application and implement for the melodius video company. This helps a lot to the Management and the staff to work for this company freely and pleasurably. The main purpose of this project creates a user friendly, unique and modern software package. With higher security facility (User levels, Password encryption). Make easier to use the forms with navigate Buttons. User could feel free and comfortable when he uses the system. 1.4 Aims and Objectives When the project was begun its cover the whole business operations and benefits of the system. In order to achieve these benefits a few objectives were initialized. Such objectives are. A deep investigation about the existing manual system and their accessible process measurements. Write   a system analysis report based on the system requirements Understand the requirements and the principles when developing a software application Design and develop a video rental system using software engineering techniques. Testing the video rental system using available accessible data. Evaluate the final product and think about new ideas to improve further development. 1.5 Project Management Methodology The successfulness of the project is depends on the selection of the technology, tools and how we are applied in the project. If we take our project, it was a long-term project and its takes more than six months time. The traditional waterfall model is most suitable for long time projects. According this project the waterfall model is most suitable. The following reasons are easy to identify the requirements that enable to develop the system is In. We require a life cycle system. That is before being the system; the requirements are studied through the interview. It is not need to make the changes in the system and it is not advisable while creating the system or modifies the system. Hence since the steps to create this system is in co-ordination with the waterfall model. Therefore I have chosen this waterfall model. Which is follows. The Waterfall Model Each stage related into the next Feedback in the Waterfall Model The Advantages of using waterfall model is By far the most commonly used approach up to now. The waterfall model underpins all the most widely used methods. The stages are clear-cut. The innovative ideas were behind that documents are produced at each stage Consequently preferred by managers as easy to manage. All research and design done before coding starts, it means better quality program design. Well suited for developing stable and well understood computer-based applications. Feasibility study This feasibility study main aim is depth analysis and decides the melodius video rental company and about its businesses operations whether it will be operationally, financially or technically feasible to develop the software product. These studies involve analysis of current issues and gather the relevant informations. Here I have selected three important types of studies for measure the system success as the operational feasibility, technical feasibility, and economical feasibility. Operational feasibility The operational feasibility is discuses about the company performance, information, economy and control. 1. The management is not happy with existing the manual system. Because that is very slow and it is having many mistakes. So he doesnt like to work with the manual system. 2. The manager is unable to produce the day to day transactions and other business information from the departments. 3. They have to spend more time consuming to send information and to get information from the other departments. 4. Receipts or invoices are not in a clear format, when giving after the business transaction to a customer or supplier. 5. The economy level is poor which means its hard to get good benefits from the system. Because of the resources (Rental, communication, and electricity bill) cost is very high now days. For these reasons they have to reduce the cost. In order to increase the benefits. 6. The business datas handling is not a secure way. Anyone can handle the records. And higher possibility of data loses. 7. The management have to spend more time to search the information and produce the reports about their transactions. 8. The existing manual system is not flexible and more complicated there for they must have to computerize the existing system. Technical feasibility The technical feasibility analysis, what the technical resources are available in the system, and what are the technical resources are need for the new computerized the system. Available technical resource: Air conditions facilities, Fans, Tables, Chairs, Shelfs They have limited technical resources. Earlier they have done all operations manually so they didnt need any technical resources. When they have work with computerized system they must need some all the relevant technical resources and the trained staffs. Following resources are needed in order to develop the system. Computers Processor: Pentium 2.2GHz or more Hard drive: 40GB or More. RAM: 512MB or more. Network cables switches CD-ROM drive. Monitor 15 colour colour printer black white printer Software requirements: Windows operating system. Special software for sales rental Microsoft Visual basic .Net SQL Database Economical feasibility The economical feasibility analyses about the cost and benefits of the company existing system and proposed system. Such as Software development coast, Hardware coast, as well as the system running coast. Schedule feasibility study The aim of the Schedule feasibility is analysis the planning and assessing the time period for the completion of this project Analysis-This analyse part, the problems and objectives were identified and the user requirements for the project. It takes two weeks time. Design-Based on the user requirements this part focuses on the system design. It could be divided in to two main parts. It takes three weeks time. Development-This part took six weeks time to develop the software product. Testing-In this testing part, two testing types took place. First, is unit testing and second is Acceptance testing in order to find out errors and solve the errors. This takes one weeks time. Implementation-The implementation section will show how section implemented. This takes one weeks time. Maintain-This part checks the objectives of the project and that it has met the user requirements. And this tells the project successfulness. 2 Literature Review 2.1 Introduction A large amount of analytical and theoretical works discovers new things, thorough that can encourage Effective improvements. However, it is essential to study the direct connections based on observation and research in order to get in to the related various type of efficiency achievements. In this literature, review I analysed based on research and observation straight away in the video rental business in order to find the key points and drawbacks. At presents the video rental business being the main topic of deep concern from the operations management community (Drezner and Pasternack, 1999; Dana and Spier, 2001; Pasternack, 2001; Lariviere and Cachon, 2002) Re: Coordination of quantity and shelf-retention timing in the video movie rentalindustryGerchak, Y; Cho, RK; Ray, S | IIE TRANSACTIONS | 2006-0738:7, | 525-536 | Description: Times Cited: 6 Because people are thinking now a days home video is very good leisure and it is a valuable entertainment expenses, which is make movie rental as a big business.   Normally video DVDs or CDs available on hand to the public, after a few months from release. These materials are available to public in two ways; first one is renting DVDs or CDs from rental Stores second one is selling DVDs form Retail Stores. My project deals with both Rental and Sales. According this system three main type of people will work Admin and staff who control the system. Supplier who providing the resources (CDs, DVDs) Member who renting or buying the CDs. Normal Customer who only buying CDs Companys main focus is video rental and sales. Currently the company give services to their customers through their manual system and handling all the transactions by manually. Its inconvenient to the customer often. For this reason the company has lose the customers in past and their turnover is shrinking when compare other stores. So the management has decided to computerize the transactions instead their existing manual system in order to give the efficient and improved services to their customers. This literature review will carried out the problems and make sure the work is going right way and valuable. Problems identified in the current system 1. Handling customer They are handling their customers manually. This will cause them difficulty and time consuming to search a Customer card. In case if a record has not been entered in to the required file or a book, there may be some disagreements between the customers and the employees of the company. This leads to shrink the fame of the company. Solution:-Handling and maintain of the customers in a glowing comportment. 2. Maintaining the sales records The sales records of the company are not kept very effectively. Records cannot be easily track in case of future reference. The company cannot have a well planned future business because it cant go through the past records and most of the records are not very accurate. Solution:-Well organized method of handling of all the sales. 3. Maintaining the information of their products The details of their products are not kept in a well organized manner and cannot be referred when needed. The products sold, and the stock balance is not easily tracked, hence the shortage or some time certain important products maybe out of stock, then in such a circumstance customer satisfaction will be very much reduced. Solution:-All the products and its brands are clearly following a path. 4. Problems on maintaining the Payment Sometime they may ask the customer to pay for one product twice by mistake, such incident will make to shrink the good relation and the trust of the customer, making to lose customers confidence as well loosing the customer. Solution:-Product balance can be tracked time to time. 5. Maintaining the supplier information There would be a lot of suppliers. Its difficult to find a supplier detail without being delayed or maybe in some cases they might loss a contact detail of a particular supplier, which might be an important contact for a special product or a Brand, loosing this sort of information will make the company to have problems of finding products of famous brands. Solution:-All the supplier information will be collect then and there. 6. No updated information available Updated information is not very easy to provide to customers if the company runs manually. Solution:-Brands and latest editions that are being handled by the company can be tracked without doubt. 7. Payments can only be made by cash or credit payments Running manually, the company could have only the payment methods of cash and cheques. This is a great disadvantage for the customers who use the credit payment card. Solution:-Payment can be made in cash or credit, and efficient and quick service can be provided. 8. Problem:-Dissatisfaction of customers While the business is running on the manual system, the customers would not be satisfied of the services provided to them. They might have to wait in a long queue to pay for the items they bought. This may be due to the absence of the employees or maybe due to the slow system of the company. Solution:-Membership form will be filled automatically, according to the sales that are made and this would only be for the required sales. Some additional solutions Make sure the integration, integrity and independently for the video rental system and reduce as soon as possible changes for human errors by introducing database concepts. Introduce high secure functionality. It is important that customers and the suppliers information be prevented from leaked out. System will also enables the management to do accurate calculation as well as obtain reports such as total income for the given time period. Better utilization of storage space. Doing away with manual will reduce the space taken up by the data storage. This can be utilizing the better for other purpose. A comprehensive project database that act as a central repository to track the below mentioned needs. Define work in progress. Easy access for the items short shipped on the order. Easy to scheduling and tracking records Easy of maintaining, schedules, monitoring, reporting of progress. 2.2 Legal Social Ethical and Professional Issues and Considerations In this project, I am used copyright material, such as Microsoft products, and Adobe products. Im used university of Greenwich licence to use the other related soft wares. As a university student, I have the rights to use university resources. Some Interviews and questionnaire done by me with Owner of the business, staffs and some customers. In the project there are no any personal datas did not collected. Therefore, the data protection will not affect my project. All the collected data is stored in my personal computer with password protection. All the information will be deleted after completion this project. 4 Requirements Analysis 4.1 Introduction When consider about software development projects, requirement analysis is a most important part. In this part, be able to collect informations together about current situations in order to indentify the drawbacks about the system. This requirement analysis should be correct, testable and relevant to the company requirements. Moreover, it must be significant to system designing part. 4.2 Requirements Gathering In this part requirements can be collect in to the system boundary by contact the users to find out their requirements. In this part used to gather different types of techniques such as interviews, questionnaires, observation, etc 4.2.1 Questionnaires   Questionnaires are quick gather information from large amount of people in a certain period. It is possible to do paper based document either electronic copy. In addition, it is very cost effective method when compare with interview. Major advantages are most of the people are familiar to questionnaires and very easy to analyse.   This questionnaire has been used to gather informations from the customers. Questionnaires with customers    Melodius video 1. Role of person completing this form a. Manager (other company) b. Administrator c. Computer Programmer d. Customer 2. When you contact a melodius video representative, is he/she courteous? Are you satisfied with the way your problems or questions are handl? a. Most Satisfiedb. Satisfied b. Ok  c. Dissatisfied 3. How you feel other music centre compared to melodius video? a. Excellentb. Very good c. Good  d. Poor 4. How do you feel when you pay by using the membership card? a. Most Satisfied      b. Satisfied b. Okc. Dissatisfied 5. Who is the person in our organization you contact most frequently? a. Company Owner   b. Sales men b. Manager  d. Others 6. How you are, feel about our payment system? a. Excellentb. Very good c. Goodd. Poor 7. Comments (Please write us on the back of this form) Questionnaires with customers Answer sheet Melodius Video 1. Role of person completing this form a. a. Manager (other company)-16   b. Administrator-5 b. c. Computer Programmer-3 d. Customer-26 2. When you contact a melodius video representative, is he/she courteous?    Are you satisfied with the way your problems or questions are handle? a. Most Satisfied   -5    b. Satisfied-15 b. Ok -25    c. Dissatisfied -5 3. How you feel other music centre is compare to melodius video? a. a. Excellent -15  b. Very good-10 b. c. Good-20  d. Poor-5 4. How do you feel when you pay by using the membership card? a. Most Satisfied   -10   b. Satisfied-12 b. Ok -8 c. Dissatisfied-20 5. Who is the person in our organization you contact most frequently? a. Company Owner -6    b. Sales men-24 b. Manager -10   d. Others -10 6. How you are, feel about our payment system? a. a. Excellent-5  b. Very good-5 b. c. Good -15   d. Poor-25 7. Comments? (Please write us on the back of this form) 4.2.2 Interviews Interviews are one of the most common and powerful techniques to find out the requirements. This brings to face-to-face contact with customers or staffs to discover their requirements. And interviews are makes a higher response rate. Also, make clear about doubts and make sure that perfectly understood by repeating questions. Appropriate People 1. Company Owner 2. Company manager 3. Payment Division manager 4. Stock division manager 5. Purchase division manager 6. Sales division manager 7. Lending manager Interview with Company Owner: Objectives: 1. Get the permission to analyze the system. 2. Identify the people who are participating the system. 3. Study about the problems of the existing system. 4. His/her expectation about the new system. Questions: 1. What are the major departments you have? 2. What are they doing? 3. What are the problems are you facing with in the current system? 4. How should be the proposed system? 5. What are the facilities you want to include with the proposed system? 6. Do you have enough money for the new system? Interview with Company manager Objectives: 1. Study the problems with the existing system. 2.   Study about manager work. 3.   Study about what are the difficulties he/she facing his/her work. 4.   Who are the people involved with each departments Questions: 1. How you are working for current system? 2. What are the problems you are facing for the current system? 3. Are you satisfied with other staff work? 4. What are you expect of the new system. Interview with payment Division manager Objectives: 1. Know the problems with the existing payment system. 2. Study about his/her work. 3. Identify the difficulties with his/her work.   Questions:   How you are working for existing payment system? What are the problems are you facing for the current system? When more customers come to make the payment, can you manage? How will your action if a customer is not made his payment? 5. How you handle your payment database? Interview with stock Division manager Objectives: 1. Know the problems with the existing payment system. 2. Study about his/her work. 3. Identify the difficulties with his/her work. Questions: 1. How you are working for existing system? 2. What are the problems are you facing for the Stock activities? 3. When more and more items come to the stock, how can you handle? 4. Do you like increase stock division people amount? What are the reasons? 5. How you handle your stock database? Summarize of the interview Interviewer: Company owner Subject: Study of the company Duration: Two hours Mr. Thanushan is the owner of the melodious video company. He likes to build the manual system to the computerize system, because the company staff have to work quickly and accurately. For that, he is satisfied to have a centralized database. He is not satisfied to have an online computerize system. In addition, he likes to have good quality software for the company sales, inventory rental activities. Thanking interview. Interviewer: Company Manager Subject: Study of the complete system Duration: Two hours Mr. David is company manager. He likes to work with computerize system, because the company staff have to work quickly and accurately. In addition, he is unable to get the information from the sub divisions. He is not satisfied to have an online computerize system. Moreover, he likes to have good quality software for the company sales, inventory rental activities. Thanking interview Interviewer: Payment division Manager Subject: Details of the payment system Duration: Two hours Mr. Suresh is the manager of the payment division. He likes to work with computerize system, and centralized database system, because he feel very difficult to work with the manual system. In addition, he has to generate the report quickly and accurately. Thanking interview Interviewer: Stock Division manager Subject: Details study of the stock activities Duration: Two hours Mr. Rohan is the manager of the stock division. He likes to work with computerize system, and centralized database system. Moreover, he likes to increase the stock division employees. In addition, he likes to have more shelves to keep the stock. Because he have difficult to keep the items without damages and the staff have to spend more time to find out the place of the items. Thanking interview Interviewer: Purchase division Manager. Subject: Details of the purchase activities Duration: Two hours Mr. Kishan is the manager of the purchase division. He likes to work with computerize system, and centralized database system, because he have to work quickly and accurately. And he likes to purchase the cds from good quality Product Company. For that, he likes to contract some good quality companies. Thanking interview. Interviewer: Sales division Manager Subject: Details analysis of the sales activities Duration: Two hours Mr.Roys is the manager of the sales division. He likes to work with computerize system, and centralized database syst

Sunday, October 13, 2019


COMPOSITION AND THE PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN You will apply principles of design and visual organisation to your designs using a combination of balance, scale, unity and proportion, rhythm, symmetry and positive and negative space. By utilising the elements of line, tone, texture, shape, and emphasis, you will achieve visual harmony in your composition and layout. As you develop a working knowledge of the properties of colour, you will apply appropriate colour schemes that reflect the emotions of various consumer markets. PRINCIPLES ========== Balance-an equal distribution of weight. When a design is balanced we tend to feel that it holds together, looks unified and feels harmonious. Understanding balance involves the study of several visual factors-weight, position and arrangement. Weight can be defined as creating the illusion of physical weight on a page and can appear heavy or light. Focal point and visual hierarchy- what do you look at first when you look at a design? You probably look at the point of emphasis, the focal point (part of the design which most stands out). A focal point is chosen by the designer to attract the viewer to look at important points within the design. A main focal point can be established along with supporting secondary focal points, called accents which are not so strongly emphasised. How can you create emphasis? Make it brighter, make it larger, make it go in different direction, position it differently, arrange all the elements to lead to it, isolate it, reverse it, make it a different colour, make it a different shape than other elements, make it clear and the other elements hazy. Rhythm-In music most people think of rhythm as the ‘beat’ a sense of movement from one chord to another, a flow. In design, you can also think of rhythm as the beat, but a beat established by visual elements such as shape, line, colour, texture, than by sound. Rhythm is a pattern that is created by repeating elements and creating a sense of movement from one element to another. When you draw evenly spaced vertical lines on a page you establish a steady rhythm. Movement-Elements should be arranged so that the viewers eye flows from one element to another through the design. Movement and rhythm often go together. Unity-relies on a basic knowledge of the formal elements(line, tone, shape, space, textur... ...ucting the underlying structure of a piece is a bit more complicated — but essential for most designs. Most balanced designs (and even unbalanced ones) rely on a grid. This invisible structure (visible while working in your page layout program) helps ensure that you place all the elements in the right location to achieve balance as well as to help with continuity and consistency of design. Grids can be simple or complex depending on the needs of the design and the designer. Sometimes the use of a grid is obvious. Below: This asymmetrically balanced design uses a simple three column grid to ensure that each text column is the same width and that it is balanced by the nearly empty column on the left. The grid also dictates the margins and ensures that the page number and header appear in the same place on each page. An example of a design with asymmetrical balance and the use of 3-column grid A 5x5 grid keeps this design in line. The grid is obvious along the bottom (each square equals one grid square in this layout) but it is invisibly keeping all those random letters in order in the middle. An example of a design with all over balance with underlying 5x5 grid

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Images and Imagery in Robert Frosts Wind and Window Flower Essay

Imagery in Robert Frost's Wind and Window Flower After reading this poem by Robert Frost, I was left with many different ideas about this work. I believe one could take this poem in a literal sense to actually be about a window flower and the wind. I also believe, however, that this poem perhaps has a bit of a deeper meaning. Looking first at the poem in a literal sense, the story is told of a lonely window flower that is sitting on a window sill, and the image is that the flower is looking out the window. It is cold outside, and the frost on the window has melted just enough for the flower to see out. In line 7 of the poem, the flower is compared to a caged yellow bird, to give the reader a sense that the flower feels trapped, perhaps wishing to be outside. Line 9 of the poem goes on to talk of how "he marked her through the pane". "He" refers to the wind, and how the flower could feel him through the "pane". The use of "pane" is also interesting here and made me think about the "pain" that the flower felt at not being able to be free to fly with the wind. I...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Employee Mentoring Essay

Jankowicz (2005) mentions, that methodology is the process or approach to undertake a research or study. Prior to follow a methodology, it is essential to understand the research philosophy, which according to Grinnell (1993 cited Kumar, 1999, p. 6) â€Å"research is a structured inquiry that utilizes acceptable scientific methodology to solve problems and creates new knowledge that is generally applicable†. When researching it could be apply to any situation, either for professional or personal purpose. In this case, the main purpose of doing research is to develop an investigation about real situations that may increase or change the knowledge of a particular management problem (Ghauri and Gronhaug, 2002). Therefore, the diverse research methods will be discussed in this chapter, which among other strategies it involves collection and analysis of the research data (Blaxter et al, 2001; Collis and Hussey, 2003). Research Philosophy  The understanding of philosophical positioning of research is useful in the way that helps researchers to clarify alternative designs and methods for a particular investigation and identify which are more likely to work in practice (Ghauri et al, 1995). In this case, research philosophy is about the way the researcher perceives the development of the knowledge and the way the information can be acquire through different processes, besides it provides an ideology to carry out the research (Collis and Hussey, 2003; Saunders et al, 2003; Bryman, 2004). Therefore, there are two main views related to research philosophies: positivism and phenomenological, which is also known as interpretivism approach (Denscombe, 2002; Collis and Hussey, 2003; Saunders et al, 2003; Jankowicz, 2005). Saunders et al. (2003) point out that the phenomenological approach proposes the discovery of subjective meanings in for example humans’ behavior in order to understand and give interpretations to their actions and reactions to particular situations (Collis and Hussey, 2003; Saunders et al. , 2003). Nevertheless, it is important to have in mind that one is not a better philosophy than the other. The philosophy â€Å"depends on the research question that the researcher is seeking to answer† (Saunders et al, 2003, p. 85). From the above mentioned, the research philosophy of this study is based on the develop of skills and knowledge without aiming to generalized and seeking for the truth, but to focus on understanding of human behavior based on the descriptions and experiences of people in specific situations (Collis and Hussey, 2003; Saunders et al. 2003; Jankowicz, 2005). Hence, this research will take an interpretivism philosophy, because the study is related with employee mentoring and attitudes towards job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The role of social learning processes and characteristics of a good mentor may have a great influence on the above mentioned attitudes of employees, which is based on different meanings and interpretations that individuals could have on their own experiences. In addition, Collis and Hussey (2003, p. 7) said â€Å"it is an approach which assumes that the social world is constantly changing, and the researcher and the research itself are part of this change†. Not only the social world is changing, but also the global business environment is and using an interpretivism approach provides flexibility to confront those changes. Whereas the positivistic approach is characterized by seeking law-like results that can be generalized and there is an objective truth that exist in the world and can be revealed through the scientific method, where the focus is on measuring relationships, systematically and statistically, between variables. Research Approach According to Saunders et al (2003), a research is conducted to analyze existing theories, or to establish new theories as a result of recent findings. This will depend on whether the approach is deductive or inductive. A deductive approach is where the researcher develops a theory which will be tested, whereas an inductive approach is where the theory will be developed from the analysis of the data that is going to be collected. The nature of this research is not to find a specific theory but an explanation of an existing situation, for example, in today’s global business environment. Therefore, this research will place the inductive approach which is closely related with the interpretivism philosophy due to its characteristic of not assuming results that are inferred from general conjectures, but developing an explanation from the data collected where general conjectures are induced from specific cases (Jankowikz, 2000; Collis and Hussey, 2003; Saunders et al. , 2003). Research Purpose  An important part of a research and mainly seeing it from the perspective of its objectives, is to identify the purpose of it, which according to some authors can be classified as exploratory, descriptive, explanatory and predictive (Kumar, 1999; Saunders et al. , 2000; Collis and Hussey, 2003). Whereas, the exploratory study is carried out to explore areas, identify variable and look for hypothesis instead of confirming hypothesis, the predictive study forecasts the result of an event and anticipate the outcomes of that event which is under study. On the other hand, an explanatory (analytical) study focuses on studying a situation or a problem in order to discover and measure the relationship between variables, while a descriptive study identifies, describes and provides information of a particular issue (Kumar, 1999; Saunders et al. , 2000; Collis and Hussey, 2003). Therefore, the purpose of this research, taking into account its objectives is exploratory due to the fact that it tries to examine the impact of employee mentoring on their attitudes towards job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The role of social learning processes is also very important in the relationship between mentoring and job attitudes. The qualities of a mentor also play a great role in this relationship. Hence, it would lead to find strategic recommendations for the organization involve in this investigation. Data Collection To answer the research question and achieve the objectives of the research there is the need to collect data, (Saunders et al. , 2000). There are two main data resources, secondary and primary data. Secondary data is the one that already exists from previous investigations and it can be found in books, journals and films (Saunders at al, 2003). Primary data is the one that is recollected from the research and it can be obtained by using methods such as questionnaires, interviews, focus group, and other (Collis and Hussey, 2003). Saunders et al. (2003) points out that literature review helps to develop an understanding and insight into relevant previous research. Collis and Hussey (2003), add to Saunders’s point of view saying that exploring the existing literature will help to have a better overview on previous research that has been conducted and its impact on the studied research problem. In addition, Saunders et al (2003) classify the secondary data into three types: documentary, survey-based and multi-source. For this investigation, it will be useful the documentary secondary data because written documents such as articles taken from the Internet, journals, books among others, could be relevant information to be used.